
Wordless Wednesday

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HLiza said...

oh too high and too weird for me!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those look painful... but very interesting.

Heather said...

Is this your new shoe wardrobe? hee, hee.

Nadine said...

Those are wild. I would feel like I'm wearing toe shoes again from my ballet days. Those do not look comfortable.

KC said...

now my feet hurt.. the last pair looks to be the most comfy.. UGH..
Happy WW

Mia said...

Ironically all I can think of when I see this is omg, lol and my kid does pointe? She could wear those almost easily.

Mia said...
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Shionge said...

Wooo...I'm overwhelmed :D

Jodi said...

Those are just "wrong"!!

Unknown said...

OWWWW! No thank you! I will take my flip flops over those!

Tinsie said...

My feet hurt just looking at these shoes!