
Friday night treat

Ever had a slaw and cheese dog? Yes it is wonderful! This is what I have been known to make along with all sorts of other topped hot dogs many yrs ago. I worked at a little dairy queen type place called the GASLIGHT! A really great hot dog(my favorite) is take bacon wrap the hot dog around with it then fry or bake till done then top with Chili, Cheese, coleslaw and onion. Then sink your mouth into the tastiest hot dog ever!Gotta top it off with something wet and sweet. How about a sunkist orange pop float?! simpley scoop some ice cream in a cup and top it off with lots of orange pop, OR if you prefer a orange milk shake you can blend the two...yummy!

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Liz McCoy said...

mmmmmmm yummy!!!!

Midlife Mom said...

Oh my, I shouldn't be reading this when I am hungry!!! Drool on the keyboard just isn't very chic!

Tinsie said...

I think I'd enjoy an orange pop float right now :-)