
Weekly Happenings

Kedric is playing softball this year! These were taken a couple nights ago! They had their photos taken then had to play 2 games back to back!
Here is the Team! The 2nd game was cut short by 10 minutes due to this storm rumbling in...
We also got a surprise visit from our friend Nathan and he brought his adorable baby boy aiden over for a short visit! He is 5 weeks old and my favorite stage. I LOVE babies! They sleep and cuddle with ya! Why do they have to gorw up? sighzzzzz I guess so we can sleep again;)
What a big yawn for a little guy!
awwww, is he sweet or what?
I enjoyed holding him, cuddling him and even changed his diaper, my how you forget how little they once were! My baby is 7 and I am feeling old...
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!!!

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Jodi said...

Softball! Fun! Trent didn't want to play ball this year, which made me sad. The baby is a cutie!!

thedowning5 said...

I miss babies too...Tootie turned 8 last month and it was so sad!

Midlife Mom said...

My baby is 32!!! LOL! Been a long time since I changed his diaper!!

HLiza said...

Cute baby! I just hit my hubby hard on his elbow when he said "Aww..the baby's starting to climb and run away from me now..why don't we produce one more..the one who won't hit back at you and run around the house?"

I've had enough!

Mia said...

Aww....nice pics. I miss babies.

Shionge said...

I can see that everyone is taking their seriously and having a good time ya.

I love babies too !!!!