
Tackle It Tuesday

More Painting! No not the walls, that may be something we do soon enough however! The basement floor in our back room... We had to do it in stages as we needed to still be able to get back there... This is my DH's part of the back room! He has always had mounds of Trains and Train tables set up back here, now he is ready to change all that!
This is what the rest of my basement looks like! It is crazy messy and no place to go with it! My DH has alot of serious decisions to make!
My area right after it has been painted, now we can get the washer and dryer put back in! YEAH!
Here is a fun and yummy tackle! I took Jelena to Friendly's one day last week and enjoyed This Reeces Peanut butter sundae! I opted for peanut butter ice cream and had extra peanut butter in it!;)
Good to the last drop! I could have honestly licked it out, but I didn't;)
Here is a before photo of the garage! During the painting floor process!
And it is complete! With wall decor too! We searched for some fun OH state Buckeye stuff! Now he has a room "HE" can be proud of;)
Time for a simple but needy tackle! This lazy susan gets so stuffed and then it doesn't turn around so well, so you know what that means! Time to tackle it! I keep my cereals that are opened in containers in here, extra water jugs, popcorn containers etc...
And After! It is amazing after you organize it how much better things fit in their places! Now it turns freely;)
I hope everyone enjoys getting their tackles done! Put a smile on your face, make a pot of coffee, Say a prayer, or devotion to get your day started! (You will be glad you did)! THEN Get tackling! For More great tackles being done, go to 5 MIN FOR MOMHappy Tuesday everyone!

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Midlife Mom said...

Wow! you have been busy! I wish you would come over and help me with a few tackles!!!! I did do my lazy susan the other day and it is much better! I took everything out that I don't use very often and stored it in a cupboard in the garage. Makes such a difference and it doesn't get stuck trying to go around.

That ice cream looks to die for! We don't have Friendly's any more. So sad for us!!!

What a lovely couple that visited you. You must make time to go visit them in Florida. Friends like that are priceless!!

We are going to a Red Sox game this weekend in Boston. Well actually I should say that Hubby, BIL and two nephews are going. I'm going shopping with my SIL and niece!!

Hope you are having a wonderful week Tina!!

~michelle pendergrass said...

Holy Cow have you been busy!!! Looks great!

Maddy said...

Very impressive indeed. What I wouldn't do for a garage like that!

Dawn said...

WOW! You have been busy - I love the Reese's sundae tackle - Yum!

Beth Ann said...


That is a HUMONGOUS tackle! I am so impressed! I remember doing the garage floor when I was younger in my own family. It was a mess and so hard since EVERYTHING needed to come out!
Great job from you and your hub!
Thanks for stopping by my tackle too!

Muthering Heights said...

As usual, you are a tackling MACHINE!! That sundae looked like the best one, LOL!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

I always found it so amazing how much better cement looks when its painted. Good job! My offer still stands, if you get bored, or run out of things to do, call me lol.

HLiza said...

I've tackled many parts of the house but no pics.. still can't get as organized as you!

Anonymous said...

My husband would be drooling over that ice cream sundae. He loves chocolate and peanut butter..me, not so much lol..

Jodi said...

Busy, busy! Can you come motivate me to get my basement ready to paint???

That dessert looked very yummy! I need to start taking pics like this when we are out!

Audra Krell said...

You are so encouraging. It's great to see pictures of everything you've done. Everything looks so nice and clean. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

Shionge said...

From the day I started reading your blog I have never seen you 'stop', I wish I have your energy :)

And..I have never come across peanut butter ice-cream at home, so cool :D

The Downing 5 said...

Garage looks great! Lazy Susan's drive me crazy! Found a company that makes drawers to go into lazy susan spaces...Would love to hire them!

Anonymous said...

Isn't if funny how hubbies think us wives have a lot of stuff we can't part with. ;)