
Not So Wordless Wednesday

I have been through buying many beds for the Maddie, yet they never seem to last. She loves sleeping on Jelena's bed during the day! At night she starts out sleeping beside my bed and when she thinks I am asleep then she hops in Jelena's bed practically pushing her out of it!
Not any more! I think we finally got the right bed for her! She LOVES it!
She lays in it all the time and will lay there next to my bed in it all night long!

Of course Lucy needed a new bed of her own too. She actually loves hers as well!
So I guess Christmas came early for these girls!

Happy in their new beds

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Jodi said...

Cute! I am getting Lulu a bed this year too. But she will have to wait until Christmas.

Needled Mom said...

They look pretty comfortable to me.

Shionge said...

So cozy there that I want one too Tina hehehehe.. :D