
Tackle It Tuesday

Today is the day to get a new kitchen Floor! We have been waiting a week for this...
here is what I had before! wood laminate...
all things out, the floor had to have the old Wood laminate out and then new sub flooring in then another guy that's laying the linoleum had to seal the cracks with this gray stuff...

Here is how It looks all laid down.

I will be honest....Not sure it was what I ordered as the sample looked SO different! But it in fact is! So I am still adjusting! Next up will be the counter tops, which will be in a few weeks I hope!

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Needled Mom said...

It is going to be so pretty when you are finished. I think we all have those doubts when we just look at samples in pieces.

Tinsie said...

Looks more interesting than the laminate, that's for sure!