
Weekend Recap! 900th Post

Well Thursday was the last I blogged! Bill had his 4 wisdom teeth removed, he is doing well! back to work tonight! Thursday at 10pm I colored my hair black to cover everything up (sniff sniff) Hubby really hated it, so to keep the peace I covered it up, about a week early anyway as It was going to be needing a touch up already again!

Friday We dropped some bucks on things we been putting off needing done! We had a trip out to get our sick kirby fixed!Hubby made a comment that he was hungry for meatloaf, I told him I don't make those as I never get them to stay together well. He has taken a slight interest in cooking and said He would make it! I said GREAT. We can get the ingredients today and you can have supper ready when I come home from work Saturday! HE DID just that!
He made homemade mashed potatoes and Meatloaf wellington, and creamed corn! We had a pepperidge Farm chocolate cake for dessert! We ate EVERYTHING!

He even cleaned up all the mess so I could give the dog a short walk before church! Thanks Honey it was GREAT!
Sunday we took another trip ( hour and a half in the other direction) to see about getting my wedding ring fixed! It is cracked all the way through so I can no longer wear it! I am so bummed as it will cost so much to fix it but my only other choice is to upgrade it! I think it is ridiculous as this ring is only 6 yrs old and already my 2nd wedding ring! UGH! I hate decisions!! I REALLY want a new van! I have the right to dream:) Well glad we are home now! It has been raining non stop for 2 days and hard! Glad its not snow;) What did you do this weekend?

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HLiza said...

Wow..you had a wonderful weekend. Nothing much here..but we're having 3-day weekend..hubby did some cooking and all I did was laundry, laundry, laundry...yuck!

thedowning5 said...

kuddos on the meal Bill - sorry about the ring situation

thedowning5 said...

p.s. I like your hair too!

Needled Mom said...

I must say that I like the new color much better too. You have such a beautiful face and it frames it perfectly.

That meatloaf sounds and looks fabulous. What a great hubby!

That is a shame about your ring. That is way to early to have it crack like that.

Have a great week.

Jodi said...

Your hair looks cute!! It rained here all weekend as well. So what's the recipe for the meatloaf?

We are going to be spending some money in the coming weeks as well.